Creampie female boss (3/3)

Post: 04/07/2023

At this time, I pulled her briefs down to her knees again, and fiddled with the protruding penis with my hands. Alice was so delicate that I kept dodging her body.

The small mouth made some slight moaning sounds frequently. "Hmm... um..." The pink-faced Alice struggled to clamp her slender legs to prevent my hand from further inserting into her pussy.

She held my hand touching the acupoint with both hands, and said pleadingly, " can't be unreasonable to the elder sister? I'm a married woman...I can't be sorry to my husband... Please take out your hand... Please? Please let me go? Be good? Be obedient??」

"No! Who told you that you are so beautiful, I have to have sex with you tonight. As long as you and I keep our mouth shut and don't let your husband know, why not try a dick other than your husband's for a change?"

"You... you're a big kid... that's scary... all you think about pornography... that's terrible..."

"Don't talk about reason, just now you promised to help me solve the problem."

"I promised, but...but I can't use my body! How shameful is this..."

"Alice, what's so embarrassing about this! Please enlighten me with your mature sexual experience, let me share the joy of making love so as to comfort my crush on you. Okay?"

Alice was surprised and delighted when she heard the words. She was delighted that a 16- or 17-year-old boy was so infatuated with her woman in her thirties; she was surprised that the way I teased and caressed just now seemed like an old hand at playing with women.

Alice was gradually bewildered by my ingenious sex skills. She saw that she and I were alone in this huge villa, and I coveted her body like a wolf, thinking that I was doomed up.

Thinking of her husband who was thousands of miles away and let her stay alone in the empty boudoir, the mature woman has long lacked the caress and comfort of the opposite sex, so she had to use "masturbation" to solve her primitive physiological needs occasionally. She, who lacks the nourishment and love of a man, was teased by me just now As a result, a strong pleasure was burning, and Alice's rationality gradually blurred. She felt a passionate desire brewing in her body, looking forward to the comfort and love of the opposite sex.

She was hot all over and her pussy was numb and numb, waiting for the thick, long, hot cock to comfort and fill it. Looking back at what I said may make sense, as long as you change the taste without telling your husband, who knows?

Alice saw that I was handsome and tall, and I might be brave and happy when I made love, and I had the lust of cheating, but after all, she had never been played by a man other than her husband, so she still couldn't help feeling a little timid and reserved.

She blushed and said tentatively, "I don't believe you can really understand the true meaning of sex between men and women."

"Hmph! I understand very well, if you don't believe me, look!" I stood in front of her, unzipped my trousers, and took out my hard dick, sticking it up.

"Oh! It's so embarrassing... shameful..." Alice screamed, she didn't expect my dick to be bigger than her husband's, she thought how could she bear it if it was inserted into her delicate pussy! The pink face is even more blushing? "Little pervert, you're so ugly. Hurry up and take it back!"

"What's ugly? This is a woman's favorite treasure. You can touch it." I took Alice's jade hand to hold my dick and rubbed her plump breasts with one hand.

Alice's whole body trembled after being stroked. Although she tried her best to hide her throbbing arousal, she couldn't bear my skilled flirting techniques, and my repeated teasing aroused her original lust.

Alice finally gave up her chastity as a woman. She opened her lips and kissed me passionately with her tongue. The hand holding my dick also began to fiddle with her. Her eyes were full of lustful beauty. , as if telling people that her libido had risen.

Seeing her reaction like this, I knew that the mature and glamorous Alice could no longer resist my flirting, and entered a state of sexual excitement. I hugged her body and walked towards the romantic bedroom.

I carried Alice into the bedroom, gently placed her on the double bed, and then turned around to lock the door. Her plump breasts were extremely beautiful, and I rubbed her elastic breasts as if I cherished them very much. , I feel very comfortable.

Having rich experience in sex, I know that Alice wants but is afraid. Women are born with a shy personality.

The mouth is called "no", "no", in fact, women express their differences, and then they are not played by men?

I took off all my clothes first, and after I pounced on the half-naked Alice to caress and play with her body for a while, I took off all her short skirt and briefs.

For the first time, Alice's mature and charming naked body was presented in front of men other than her husband.

She was panting and struggling, her big breasts shaking so charmingly, she covered her breasts and private parts with her hands respectively? "Oh...bad?bad more..." Alice's heart was throbbing at this moment, her whole body was trembling, she was struggling and screaming, that sweet cry was so beautiful and so tempting!

I pulled away Alice's shy hands, and her white and flawless body was displayed naked in front of my eyes. The body is very well-proportioned and beautiful, the skin is delicate and smooth, the curve is graceful, the lower abdomen is flat and tender, the fat buttocks are smooth and tender, round and big, the jade legs are round and slender; her pubic hair is thick and black, which surrounds the imaginative sexy pussy The full, looming charming slit is covered with wet water, and the two bright red labia are moving one by one, just like the cherry lips and small mouth on her face are full of temptation.

I separated her snow-white round jade legs, kissed the hole with my mouth first, then licked her labia with the tip of my tongue, and then bit the clitoris like rice grains with my teeth.

"Ah... ah... little... little pervert, you made me... I'm so are so bad..." Alice was licked till her heart was tickled, bursts of pleasure came like electricity, fat My buttocks kept twisting up and up, twisting left and right, my hands hugged my head tightly, and let out a delightful panting sound? It makes me feel so comfortable...I...I throw it away...」

I sucked hard and licked the wet meat. A stream of hot water flowed out of Alice's small hole. Her whole body trembled. She bent her jade legs to lift her fat buttocks higher. The pussy is more protruding, allowing me to lick and eat her lewd water more thoroughly.

"Dear Alice, are you satisfied with my acupoint-absorbing tongue skills?"

"Full your head! Little pervert, are necrotic! Playing with women like this at a young age, you are really scary. I...I'm really afraid of you..."

"Hee hee! Don't be afraid, I will give you a more comfortable and refreshing taste, my beloved Alice." I was ecstatic, it seems that the empty and lonely heart of the most beautiful Alice in this unit has been teased by me The lust is so high that Xiao Tong will surrender under my big dick one after another, and become my beautiful plaything, allowing me to enjoy her pure white body as much as I want.

I held the dick in my hand, and first used the big glans to grind her pussy. Alice was so itchy that she could not help shyly shouting? "Good brother? Don't grind anymore? Pussy is itching to death? Hurry up? Hurry up Put a big dick?? into a pussy?? please? please give me a hole?? are you quick?」

Looking at her lewd appearance, I knew that Alice, who had lost her cum when I was licked and bitten just now, was in a state of arousal, and desperately needed a big dick to be thrust hard so that she could vent her high desire. . I just heard Cai Alice screaming coquettishly? "Damn brother? I'm dying of itching? still teasing me? Come on... quickly insert it... hurry up..."

Seeing Alice's coquettish, lewd, hungry and thirsty expression, I didn't hesitate anymore, aiming at the mouth of the hole and thrusting it in, with a "sizzling" sound, I pounded it all the way to the bottom, and the big glans pressed against the depths of Alice's heart. I felt that her pussy was warm and tight, and it was so nice to have the tender meat in her pussy wrapping her cock tightly.

Alice has not given birth yet, and her pussy that has not been penetrated for a long time is naturally small and tight. She has never tasted other men's dicks except her husband's short dick. The first time she had an affair, she met my thick, long and huge dick. , she almost couldn't take it anymore. I also didn't expect her pussy to be so tight and small. Seeing her coquettish, lustful and hungry expression just now stimulated my sexual desire, and I thrust it to the end.

After a while, Alice looked at me coquettishly. "Little are so cruel...your dick is so big...doesn't matter if my sister can bear it or not...just thrust it to the end .

I can't bear her sobbing and lovely appearance? "My good sister, I didn't know that your acupoints are so tight and small that you can't bear it. Please forgive me, if you want to beat me or scold me, I won't bear it." No complaints."

Alice saw that I was quite considerate, so she couldn't help but smile coquettishly. "My sister is reluctant to beat you and scold you. Now pump and thrust gently, don't be too hard, I'm afraid... I'm afraid I won't be able to bear it. Remember, don't be too impulsive." She There is a smile on the corner of the mouth, making it look more beautiful and charming.

I didn't expect that Alice's appearance is beautiful and plump, and her pussy is so tight even though she is married, it is a blessing from a previous life to be able to play with her tonight. I began to pump and penetrate slowly, and Alice squirmed her fat, glossy white ass to match.

"Good sister, can you take it? If it hurts, can I pull out the dick?" I deliberately teased her.

"No...don't take it out...I want a big dick..." Alice was enjoying the full and numbing feeling of a big dick filling her pussy. Hearing my question, she hugged her hands tightly My back, legs up and feet hooked around my waist, lest I actually pull my cock out. Her husband’s short dick originally made her unable to get sexual satisfaction, and because her husband has been stationed abroad all year round, she stayed alone in the empty boudoir every night, unable to sleep alone, and her heart was suffering from loneliness. Yes, why not tell her to forget her feelings and pursue the pleasure of sex between men and women? Good sister, call?? Call me a dear husband! "

"No...don't...shame to death...I already have a husband...I...I can't scream..."

"Call me! I want you to call me my own husband. Call me quickly!"

"You?? You are really tormenting? Dear... Dear husband? Alas? How embarrassing?" Alice closed her seductive winking eyes in shame, as beautiful as a bride on a wedding night.

"Oh?? So cool?? Kiss? Kiss my husband? My sister's pussy is so comfortable being inserted by a big dick? Kiss? Kiss my husband? Hurry up..." Alice's body was rippling with spring The rhythm of the dick's insertion was ups and downs. She dexterously twisted her fat buttocks and pushed them up frequently, screaming passionately and obscenely? Happy?? I’m going to throw it to you again?? Oh? So comfortable??」

A stream of hot lewd water came straight out, and I felt that the head of the glans was so comfortable being scalded by the lewd water, which stimulated my original animal nature to surge out. Instead of pity, I switched to thrusting hard and pumping hard, grinding the heart, nine shallow and one deep , left and right flower arrangement and other moves to tease her. Alice's delicate body seemed to be burning with desire, she hugged me tightly, and could only hear the lewd sound of "puff, puff" when the cock was thrust in and out.

Alice felt that the big dick's penetration brought her infinite pleasure, and she was so comfortable that she almost went crazy. She hugged me tightly, twisted and shook my big fat buttocks, and made ecstatic bed calls from time to time? "Oh ??Oh??God??Beautiful brother??Ah??Dead me??Huh??Huh??My sister is about to be stabbed to death by you??I can't do it??Ouch?? I'm going to lose it again..."

Alice couldn't stand my violent thrusting, her whole body trembled, the tender flesh in her small pussy was convulsing and constantly sucking and kissing my big glans, suddenly bursts of lewd water gushed out again, pouring me infinite comfort, I was deeply Feeling that big cock in Alice's pussy was as wonderful as a sausage in a sandwich.

Alice, who had ejaculated repeatedly, lay limply on the bed. My big dick was inserted very comfortably. Seeing that Alice suddenly stopped moving, I couldn't bear it, so I raised her two beautiful legs with both hands and put them on the shoulders. Then put a pillow under her fat buttocks to make Alice's pussy stick out even higher, hold the big dick and aim at Alice's pussy and thrust it to the end, thrusting and pumping mercilessly , and even used the "old man pushing the cart" stunt that made Xiaotong want to die, only to make her delicate body tremble.

With my superb sex skills, I would swing my hips a few times from time to time, making the big glans grind deep in the heart. Alice, who has been married for many years, has never enjoyed such a thick, long and strong dick, and such ecstatic lovemaking skills. She was so excited by my thrusts that her pink face swayed wildly, her hair flew wildly, and her whole body trembled. screaming obscenely?

"Oh?? Oh?? No way? Put down my sister's legs...Ah... I can't take it anymore... My sister's pussy is about to be penetrated by you? spared me...forgive me...」

Alice's coquettish appearance made me pump harder, as if I was willing to penetrate her seductive little hole. She was penetrated to death, her hair was disheveled, she was panting, her eyes were as silky as silk, and her whole body was very comfortable , Wet the sheets with fragrant sweat and lewd water? "Oh?? Oh?? Good brother? You know how to play with women? My sister can let you play? Are you dead? Ouch..."

"Good sister, have to be patient, I'm about to cum..." Alice knew that I was about to climax, so she could only use her remaining strength to twist her fat buttocks desperately, to meet my final sprint, and use her cunt The wall work makes the pussy suck and suck the big dick.

"My heart... My husband... My brother... I'm going to lose my sister again..."

"Ah... dear sister... meat sister... I... I'm going to vent too... ah... ah..."

Alice convulsed suddenly, hugged my back tightly, and the hot lewd water poured out again. I felt that the head of the big penis was so numb, and finally I couldn't help the semen spurting out, and I shot into the depths of Alice's pussy, and she was screamed by the hot semen? "Oh? My husband?? My dear brother? I’m so beautiful??」

We both reached the orgasm at the same time, and after a moment of tight hugging, I pulled out the soft dick after ejaculation, and gently caressed Alice's plump and sexy body with both hands.

Alice got sexual satisfaction and my empathetic and tender caress after the passion, so that she could taste the perfect sex pleasure in life again, which she couldn't enjoy from her husband in her married life. Alice said to me Love was born, and after we kissed and kissed each other, we hugged each other contentedly and tiredly and fell asleep.

After sleeping soundly for a while, Alice woke up and found that the two of them were still hugging each other naked. She couldn't help but blush. She didn't expect us to have a physical relationship, and she lost her body several times. It was really embarrassing.

But the sweet and pleasant aftertaste just now is still stirring in my body. I raised my hand to see that it was past one o'clock in the night, and she hurriedly woke me up? "Good brother, it's late at night, you should go back to the dormitory."

Hearing this, I quickly hugged Alice's body, and said coquettishly, "My dear sister, can you let me stay with you for a while?"

"Hey! My little friend, so my sister promises you to stay with me all night."

I was full of joy when I heard it, and put my small mouth next to her ear, and asked teasingly, "Alice, did you feel comfortable just now? Did your pussy feel good?"

Alice's face was flushed, her brows were full of spring, and she answered in a low voice with a contented expression? "Death! You still ask questions knowingly, really...I really hate you."

"Good Alice, how does your husband's cock and penetration skills compare to mine?"

"Little pervert, don't embarrass me anymore, he... If he can satisfy me, I... I won't be seduced to bed by you little pervert! are necrotic..."

"Good Alice, I'm so lucky to be able to play with the most beautiful you in the whole unit, I...I'm so happy!"

"Dead! You are necrotic, you have played with my sister's body all over, and you still make fun of me. You are acting good when you get an advantage, my sister hates you to death."

"Sister, don't be angry! I'm teasing you, don't be so mean, I will be lovesick, can you bear it?"

"It deserves it, why are you always embarrassing me!" "My dear sister, I won't dare next time."

"Good brother, my sister is in love with you, and we can only talk about each other when we have a tryst in the future. Not only will I not blame you, but it can also increase the fun of sex, but in the unit... I am still your superior, but don't worry. Don’t be intimate, it will be bad if our intimate relationship is discovered. Do you understand?”

"Yes, dear Alice."

"Alice, look! My dick is hard again, shall I? Can we play again?" It turned out that my dick had erected and swollen again at some point.

Alice's forehead was flushed, she nodded shyly, this time she was no longer reserved, and took the initiative to stretch out her tender hand to hold my dick up and down.

"Good sister, the dick is so swollen, you...can you suck it?"

"Oh... My sister has never sucked a dick, so... so embarrassed!"

"It's okay, it's like eating a popsicle with a dick in your mouth, sucking it with your lips, and putting it in and out from time to time."

"Hmm...Okay! are really an enemy of my previous life, and I will be yours." After that, Alice, who had never sucked my old cock, actually sucked my big dick, and she couldn't help but blush and shyly Slightly closing her winking eyes, she opened her small cherry mouth to gently enclose the big purple-red shiny glans, stuffing her cherry lips and small mouth full. Alice began to lick the big glans with her sweet tongue, sucking with her sweet lips from time to time, biting lightly with her jade teeth, playing with it in and out.

"Ah? Good sister? So comfortable? You? Your cherry mouth is as wonderful as a pussy? Ah? So comfortable? So enjoyable..." My big dick was tasted by Alice, The numbing pleasure of the glans spreads to all the limbs and bones of the whole body. The big dick is made as hard as an iron rod by the licking and sucking condom, and the blue veins are exposed and extremely thick.

Alice spat out the big dick, turned over and straddled me with her legs, and put the big dick that looked like a pillar into the small hole with her slender hands. up.

Only the rhythmic "Zi, Zi" sexual intercourse sounded, Alice swayed her willow waist and shook her breasts. Not only was she sweating profusely, but she also frequently let out ecstatic cries? "Oh?? Oh? ?My real husband???? My sister is so comfortable????????????????? Holding Alice's breasts with both hands, he rubbed and stroked them heartily, making her originally plump breasts firmer, and her small nipples were kneaded until they were hard and swollen like beans.

Alice healed faster, she couldn't help shrinking her small pussy, and squeezed the big glans frequently? "Ah?? It's so beautiful?? My husband? My sister gave you everything???????? My dear brother????? Anaemi is dead??」

Drenched in sweat, she desperately shrugged her body up and down, her cherry lips opened and closed, panting endlessly, her shiny black hair fluttered as she shook her body, her happy waves screamed and the dick pulled out and inserted "poof" Zi, puff, sizzle" The symphony of lewd water makes people intoxicated.

I just felt the big glans being licked, sucked, held, and sucked. I was so comfortable that my whole body was trembling, and I pushed up hard to cater to Alice's wild penetration. When she slips down, I push my big cock up. Doesn't that make Alice die? The two of us who are promiscuous really cooperate seamlessly and are extremely comfortable.

The big turtle's position was deep, straight to her heart, Alice yelled softly and obscenely? "Oh?? Big dick brother? My husband? Little husband? I... I'm going to lose... Ouch? ?No way?? To throw?? To lose??」

Alice trembled a few times, then her delicate body lay on top of me, panting like a cow.

I rolled over and pressed her delicate body under me, then knelt down and took the hard big cock with both hands and went straight into Alice's pussy, holding her big breasts with both hands and rubbing, pinching, rubbing , and twisting, while the big cock was thrusting and thrusting violently.

"Oh... Good Awei... Dear husband... Please forgive my sister? My sister is really tired... I really can't bear it... My sister is enough... Please... please forgive me... please forgive me... No?? I can’t do it?? Oops??」

"Good sister?? I?? I'm going to ejaculate...ah... so cool..." Alice hurriedly swung her fat buttocks to shrink her pussy, "ah... good sister, your pussy pinches me so well ??I??I'm going to cum」

I quickly shot the white semen into Alice's hole, and she was ejaculated, and she cried out softly? "Ouch? My husband? So comfortable? Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh? ?”

Alice hugged me tightly contentedly, and it took a long time before I allowed my cock to come out.

Alice, who hadn't had sex for a long time, had a catharsis this night. The cheating on her husband was so exciting and crazy. Since then, I have captured Alice's loneliness and emptiness with my huge dick and superb bed skills heart.

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